This article is in English.
Origin from
Korean language.
How to read
Abbreviated from
Ju(so) - Bul(leo).
주(소) - 불(러).
Also you can see above, even though it's divided into 불 (bul) and 러 (reo), but you should read the word as "bul-leo", so ㄹ (r/l) in the bottom of 불 (bul) and in the beginning of 러 (reo) is combined into "L".
Literal translation to English
The phrase could be translated as "Tell me the address" in Korean language. Referring to how dareumi translated it.
In my understanding,
- 주소 (Ju-So) could mean address, which refer to place where you live.
- The other word is, 불러 (Bul-Leo) could mean call, which could be seen in other form, such as 불러요 (Bul-Leo-Yo, means Call (me), usually used in informal), or 불러주세요 (Bul-Leo-Ju-Se-Yo, means (please) call me, more formal than previous form).
Where do I know this term from?
A question in Amazing Saturday Ep. 191.