

This article is in English.

Origin from

Korean language.

How to read


Abbreviated from

Ju(so) - Bul(leo).

(소) - (러).

Also you can see above, even though it's divided into 불 (bul) and 러 (reo), but you should read the word as "bul-leo", so ㄹ (r/l) in the bottom of 불 (bul) and in the beginning of 러 (reo) is combined into "L".

Literal translation to English

Ju-Bul (주불) - Amazing Saturday 191.

The phrase could be translated as "Tell me the address" in Korean language. Referring to how dareumi translated it.

In my understanding,

  • 주소 (Ju-So) could mean address, which refer to place where you live.
  • The other word is, 불러 (Bul-Leo) could mean call, which could be seen in other form, such as 불러요 (Bul-Leo-Yo, means Call (me), usually used in informal), or 불러주세요 (Bul-Leo-Ju-Se-Yo, means (please) call me, more formal than previous form).
So if combined, we could change the meaning of call into tell, to make it more suitable to the meaning.

Where do I know this term from?

A question in Amazing Saturday Ep. 191.