5° 5:5 (오도 오대요/어서 오세요)

O-Do O-Dae-O (Eo-Seo O-Se-Yo)

This article is in English.

Origin from

Korean language.

How to read

O-Do O-Dae-Yo or Eo-Seo O-Se-Yo.

Came from

  • 5, pronounced as "O" in Korean.
  • ° (degree sign), pronounced as "Do" in Korean.
  • : (colon sign), pronounced as "Dae" in Korean.

Combined, this could be read as O-Do O-Dae-O, sounds a bit cute compared to the original form, which is Eoseo Oseyo.

Literal translation to English

Key guessing, what could 5° 5:5 mean on Amazing Saturday Ep 191.

The phrase could be translated as Welcome in Korean language.

Key guessed 5° 5:5 (오도 오대요/어서 오세요) correctly on Amazing Saturday 191.

Where do I know this term from?

A question in Amazing Saturday Ep. 191.

Related Images

You could also watch how Taeyeon said "5° 5:5" cutely to the camera on Amazing Saturday Ep 191.

5° 5:5 (오도 오대요/어서 오세요) by Taeyeon, from Amazing Saturday Ep 191.